OCD Plan to migrate your line dance business online

  •  OCD Plan to migrate your line dance business online

We are going to suggest a mixture of recorded videos and live videos to bring your club & classes online in an organised way.


Clever websites and software take months and sometimes years to complete, we have days and weeks. Therefore, our only option is to make use of existing tech to get you up and running, then we can look at developing these methods.


Recent polls suggest an estimate of 51% of your students are on Facebook and 61% of your students are online, so we are preparing an article to help and reassure online students who are not on Facebook, to sign up. This will hopefully encourage more students to get involved.


This is a great time to get your business re-organised in lots of ways, it will definitely help it, and you, once physical classes & events spring back to life. The way you will work now can still be a service you can offer in the future. The time spent on doing this will not be wasted.


The more you do on computers the more problems you might find. This is all part of learning. Just take a moment and come back to it if you need to.

OCD: Organise, Create, Deliver

This first stage is to focus on your online students first. They are the easiest to reach.


1.     Organise your students – a place where you can collect your online students together to view your content, connect, virtual classes, etc.

2.     Create content – produce and prepare teach videos, chat & music.

3.     Deliver content (paid or free) – Display/Deliver created content to your students for them to watch/attend.


The methods for achieving the above will develop and change as we move forward, i.e new ways of delivering or organising your students can be added and improved as you get better at doing this, but in basic this is what needs to be achieved as soon as possible.


Emergency plan to get you up and running. This is a suggested way of starting that has been thought through to try and make the process as straight forward as possible, to consider the different levels of computer experience and using FREE systems.


This is the first suggested way of doing this to start the ball rolling. At this point most learning will be done on creating (step 2). We will also teach on using ZOOM for interaction with up to 100 of your students at a time.


1.     Organise – Using facebook as a private group you can add your online students into this as paid or free members. (some of you might already be doing this)

2.     Create – record and create content using video editing software and live video sessions.

3.     Deliver to facebook group – post your created videos and content to your facebook group.



Think about your new weekly schedule 

This is all new, so we need a new weekly ‘online’ schedule for your club/students. Make it simple, don’t over pressure yourself, you can add new things each week and develop the best way of working with your students whilst you are learning.


·        Some are running a class/social type event once a week i.e 7pm every Friday, where all students attend.

·        Some are running daily events/classes i.e 7pm every day.

·        Some have a class for each level of their students throughout the week plus a social every week (or fortnightly/monthly), plus group meeting.



Let’s say our imaginary Instructor called ‘Eric’ is planning his schedule: All students can view/attend any or all of the scheduled sessions for a monthly fee of £15, Eric has added them all to his private MEMBERS ONLY facebook group.


1.     Daily: A live message on facebook every week day at 12 to just update his class and send messages. (this is to stay connected until he gets everyone settled into a new schedule)

2.     Weekly: Class for a classic teach or two every Tuesday at 7pm using a recorded video.

3.     Weekly: Every Thursday at 7pm, Interactive class and discussion with his students using zoom. (This can be done using facebook live to start with although a lot more limited, also this step could be recorded like step 2)

4.     Weekly: Social every Sunday at 7pm, (this will be a pre-recorded ‘Show’ which will include a video spoken introduction, a teach/recap, social dances and any birthday messages and announcements. (Every month/fortnightly he will also have a 20min ‘personalised’ guest/choreographer/artist slot appearance! (soon available to book via ELD, first slot being rolled out soon on the IOW, £50 for 20min+ artist recorded personalised performance plus encore). [YOU HEARD THIS HERE FIRST!] 1.     (NOTE: priority is to get your business earning first so you can then afford to add in special moments for your people and support artists/choreographers)

Think about the way you want to do this and write a schedule down. Keep it simple for the first week and BUILD on it.

THE MAIN LEARNING BIT! Step 2 Creating the content

We will teach you to use a simple movie making software, you will be fine, we will provide a step by step guide.

The benefits of doing this are massive, especially for socials and being able to make it personal for your club.


It’s simple, honestly!

1.     Record a video intro for your students as you would normally start a class.

2.     record the video on your device of a dance teach.

3.     record a video of any announcements you want to make.

4.     Record a thank you message.

5.     Download these 4 videos to your laptop.

6.     Import these videos into the Movie making software you will be learning.

7.     Drag each video into the right order and save the video as one file.

8.     Upload your finished social event video to your facebook group.


Let me very quickly add some notes as to why pre-recording some of your schedule will work so well:

·        Easier for people to watch at any time

·        Better quality and less likely to have computer issues.

·        WE WILL PROVIDE FREE, video content for you to use in your movies. This could include disclaimers, safety guidelines (things that should be on every video), adverts! (yes we could setup a paid advertising network for line dance, you could get paid to display an ad on your videos!)

·        Your students can send you a video message from them for inclusion.

·        Add artists’ virtual gigs

·        Guest choreographer teaches

·        In fact, you can simply be creative with making this YOUR show.

·        The possibilities are endless and very exciting.


Question to you

You will be provided with:

1.     Quick overviews to getting your computer data and new business organised. Important tips that will save you time in the future and give your business the best start.

2.     Facebook help videos

3.     Movie making videos, starting simple then as weeks go by we will teach you new things you can do with making videos.

4.     Videos for how to use ZOOM

5.     There will also be support for when, or if, you have questions or get stuck.

6.     We will guide you through the whole process.



If this makes sense and you are happy to move forward in this approach, we will start getting all the tutorial videos in place to teach you. These will cover each step of the O.C.D plan in a simple step by step way. You can do this!

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